SHOES SHOES SHOES! Girls and their shoes have always been a match made in heaven however this new shoe designer Osborn creates this new wave for oxfords. They are a nice change from the generic, largely produced black/suede/leather/heels (Ok I must admit I can't live without my black heels) BUT it's a change I'm kindly welcoming into my wardrobe with some colour and patterns (that are wearable haha) Anyways here are some photos to prove to you that you SHOULD drool over these designs! You'll get double takes and 'Ooooo's and 'Aaaaaaaa's! Wouldn't you want that kind of attention drawn to some awesomely unique footwear? I would! :)
One thing that I really really love about this brand is that all the patterned materials for each individual shoe are hand-cut, hand crafted and assembled by hand. Even each shoe is individually signed by its maker. What's even more great is that each design is so unique no-one else (nearly no-one) would have the same pair of oxfords as you! Oh and the founders of this amazing label Aaron and Carla Osborn have combined humanitarian efforts and fashion into one label. Their brand is sweat-shop free and doesn't follow the fashion trends to the T, they are extremely unique!
Anyways I hope you love this brand as much as I do.. Though I tend to love the quirky! It all depends on your taste but it's definitely a nice change from the usual :)
shoe love shoe love
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